Friday, August 19, 2011

Slow Cooker Salsa Pulled Pork- Guest Post

Say hello to Michelle of the blog Brunette and Blessed! She has a great dinner to share with us and to relieve you of my never-ending vegetarian recipes with some pork! Take it away Michelle!

Slow Cooker Salsa Pulled Pork

Serves 6 to 10 ( I divided this recipe in half, if you do the same-follow all the same instructions but cut cook time to 8 hours. The following is a whole recipe, not cut in half.)

4 pounds port butt (shoulder roast)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
10 fresh garlic cloves
12 ounces of salsa ( I used Giant Eagles Organic salsa -mild)

Place the pork in a slow cooker. Sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper
Smash the garlic cloves and peel them. Chop them roughly and sprinkle them over the pork. Pour the salsa over the pork and garlic.
Put the lid on the slow cooker and set on low for 12 hours

After 12 hours, shred the pork (it should be melting and tender). Serve with rice, beans and Salsa.

So, I duplicated this recipe after going to a cooking class. So much fun. I even went to the Indian grocery store and bought this great rice!

I highly recommend this recipe. It was a huge success. My husband does not like tomatoes and he could not even tell they were in the salsa because it all cooks into the meat.
Here is a few pictures of the process. Warning raw meat is not very pretty.

So yummy!

Enjoy! Have a great week!


  1. i always do pulled pork with bbq sauce but i will have to try salsa next time this looks great and i love any slow cooker recipes, saves me so much time!

  2. I have never made pulled pork with salsa; but, I'm going to have to give that a try. My husband doesn't like tomatoes either; but we both appreciate spice. I'm sure he would love it. Thanks!
